
Q: What does Lakeside believe about God, Jesus, Salvation, and the Bible?
A: See our Basic Beliefs page.

Q: When are services?
A: See our Service Times page.

Q: What does Worship Service look like?
A. We sing, make important announcements, enjoy special music by individuals or our choir, give tithes and offerings, and Pastor Christopher Arnold gives a sermon and invitation.

Q: What music can I expect?
A. We sing mostly hymns with a few contemporary praise and worship songs. Check out our YouTube channel or catch the live stream each Sunday morning at 11:00 for a sample. 

Q: What program(s) do you offer for children?
A: We have Sunday School for all ages on Sunday mornings. During Worship Service, we offer nursery for children ages 3 and under. For children ages 4 to 3rd grade, Children’s Church is held during the sermon. Nursery is also offered on Sunday and Wednesday nights. On Wednesdays, our Lakeside Kids program has classes up to 5th grade.

Q: What program(s) do you offer for teens?
A: Our Youth group is for students in 6th-12th grades. They meet for Sunday School, Discipleship Training, and Wednesday night services. They also participate in events like camps and lock-ins throughout the year.

Q: How does Lakeside protect children?
A: All of our children’s workers are background checked and follow the guidelines set forth in our Child Protection Policy. Children up to third grade must be checked in and picked up in person.

Q: What should we wear?
A: Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. On Sunday mornings, men tend to wear anything from “blue jeans and a nice t-shirt” to dress pants and ties. Women sometimes prefer to wear dresses, but many will wear jeans or dress slacks. On Sunday and Wednesday evenings, the dress is more casual (shorts or ripped jeans, for example, would not look out-of-place.)

Q: What does “member” mean?
A: A member of a church is a Christian who has committed to that body of believers. They can vote in business meetings and serve in leadership roles. Members take care of each other and form a family-like community.

Q: How do I become a member of Lakeside Baptist Church?
A: If you are a baptized believer (Christian baptized by immersion), you may go before the church for membership. This decision can be made as part of our weekly invitation at the end of morning worship, or throughout the week by contacting Pastor Christopher Arnold.

Q: When I get to church, where do I go?
A: This depends on what service you are attending. Worship Service is held in the sanctuary. Classes are held in various parts of the building. Some special events are held in the Fellowship Hall. This layout should help, but feel free to ask someone when you arrive.

In general, children’s classes are in the East Wing. Use the green (nursery) door for children birth to pre-K. Use the red door for children K-5th grade. The Youth Room is in the West Wing (purple door). Some adult classes are in the area behind the sanctuary, and others are held in the West Wing.

If you’re visiting during office hours, use the sidewalk to the right of the sanctuary and follow the signs to locate the church office.

Q:Where do I park?
A: Almost anywhere. Designated handicapped parking is located to the left and in front of the sanctuary. Anyone can park on the right side of the church, in front of the East Wing, and to the left of the driveway.

Q: Can Lakeside help me with a physical need, like food or disaster relief?
A: Usually. Call our office Monday through Friday, from 9am-2pm. If we can’t help with a specific need, we’ll find someone who can.