The Life of a Houseplant

To illustrate the absolute ridiculousness of the evolution’s theory of creation out of chaos one only need look at the modern house plant. Most people have gone out and bought a plant for their home that they bring inside and attempt to give it just what it needs, water, food, and sunlight. They carefully regulate each condition to make the plant as healthy as possible and see it grow and bloom. However, all attempts to keep the plant alive fail and it eventually dies do to its very sensitive nature to the exact balance of natural needs. Take this idea of a very delicate natural environment to the evolutionary theory. We are supposed to believe that the perfect combination of environmental needs of physics, chemicals, temperature, and gravity randomly sparked a living organism. Then, that new organism that was the only one of its kind, not only survived on its own, but thrived and created the very system that makes people unable to keep a house plant alive? Further, the conditions for and evidence of this process are beyond the ability of any scientist to find, prove, or reproduce even though it began with the most basic of materials? The fact is that evolution is a worldview and not real science and any attempt to use such a ridiculous method is not scholarly its religious.